We commit to lifelong learning and spiritual practice that enriches our lives and those around us. Throughout the year, we may offer this content in various formats such as workshop, retreat, forum or discussion group.
Our adult lifelong learning classes and workshops are led by expert volunteers, staff and outside guests. To register for adult learning exploration classes you may sign up online, or contact the class facilitator. UU Santa Fe Adult lifelong learning is a cooperative adventure. If you would like to facilitate a program, contact our Lifelong Explorations Team using the form at right. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.―Mahatma Gandhi Current Explorations Classes:
Our Adult Library |
Harriet Kidder Memorial Library
Visit the UU Santa Fe Harriet Kidder Memorial adult library to check out print materials on a variety of topics. Checkout is simple—write down the title, your name, phone/email and date you checked material out on our clipboard. Keep it as long as you need it, then bring it back. It's simple. Our Permanent Endowment Committee and voting members supported the Harriet Kidder and our Children's Library collections with a 2021 grant. New titles coming soon! |
SUNDAY GATHERINGSSunday Gathering 10:30 am
in-person and livestreamed |