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Welcome to
UU Santa Fe!We are a busy place. We are interested in community rather than conversion. You don't need to join UU Santa Fe to enjoy our inspiring worship, make meaningful connections, experience transformative learning or participate in justice-making initiatives. Introduce yourself and we will help you find the things that will make your heart sing. Please visit our Online Welcome Table.
10:30 am, Fogelson Hall
February 16 | Inclusive Democracy | Rev. Gail Marriner x
Not long ago I came across the phrase, “being American is a practice” and it really caught my imagination. What does it look like to be a “practicing American”? What disciplines are central for citizens in our democracy? Rev. Gail and Bryan Fredrickson invite you to join them this President’s day weekend as we think together about how to be good citizens and good Americans in this challenging time! We are excited to welcome Peter Gach as our guest musician this morning. |
The Mardi Gras Goods and Services Auction Fundraiser Is Coming!
Online auction begins February 5
March 1 | Mardi Gras event | 4-7 pm x
The live event with auction, Chris Ishe's jazz piano, food and drink, and Trinkets & Treasures will be on Saturday, March 1. We'll have the online auction again, too, starting Wednesday, February 5. Think about items you might like to donate—we have donation ideas plus information on donating gift baskets. Go to the auction website to enter your donations. buy tickets, check out the auction catalog and/or make a financial donation to the Fellowship Hall Renovation Fund. See us in the foyer on Sunday to pick up forms. Questions: [email protected]. |
Advocacy and Democracy
Watch for specific actions.
Advocacy and Democracy is preparing to work for bills in the upcoming 2025 New Mexico Legislative Session that are supported by our UU values. The session begins January 21 and runs through March 22. There are expected to be close to one thousand bills, but at this writing, fewer than one hundred have been pre-filed. We will be focusing on bills that relate to education, the environment, immigration, government and democracy, health care and gun safety; but if there is a dynamite bill in another area, we might take that on, too. We anticipate providing the congregation with an advocacy training session and opportunities to take action. We need everyone! |
On Tyranny: A book discussion
Tuesdays, February 11 -March 11, 1-3pm
Join us for a conversation as we consider the twenty lessons from the 20th century Snyder presents in this small book. How can we respond to the threats to civic freedom both as individuals and as members of a liberal faith community? Lead by Larry Metzger and Sherry Kraemer in the Library. Sign up here. |
A proper community, we should remember also, is a commonwealth: a place, a resource, an economy. It answers the needs, practical as well as social and spiritual, of its members - among them the need to need one another.—Wendell Berry |
At UU Santa Fe, worship is an experience we create together―not in adoration of a god―but rather a celebration of awe, wonder and the sacred. Our Sunday Gatherings are one of the ways we live into community, coming together to greet one another in person or online. We meet at 10:30 am each Sunday morning. Details on each week are found on our Gatherings page. |
Join a GROUP! MEETING TIMESFor more information about our Groups. To get connected with any of these groups, contact our Office Administrator.
If you wish to go fast, go alone. If you wish to go far, go together― |
Cosas Vistas: Things Seen
Art On Barcelona’s new exhibit, Cosas Vistas: Things Seen is a solo show of UU Santa Fe friend Gary Kowalski’s plein air paintings depicting well-known sites and hidden vistas. More information and video |
UUWFUnitarian Universalist Women's Fellowship (UUWF)
UUWF is a community of women seeking to enrich the lives of its participants as well as the lives of the women and children of Santa Fe through donations to local Santa Fe charities. UUWF activities are open to any woman in the community, and it’s not necessary to be member of UU Santa Fe to participate. For more information about UUWF and to receive our emails about upcoming events, email us at [email protected]. |
Men’s Odyssey (a Men’s Friendship Group)An odyssey is a long wandering or voyage usually marked by many changes of fortune; an intellectual or spiritual quest. Open to any man in the community, Men’s Odyssey meets at 7 pm in the church library and on Zoom every first Tuesday of the month to discuss matters of mutual interest; on the third Tuesday at 7 pm the group chooses an activity which may or may not be at UU Santa Fe. Past activities have included bowling, poker, pool and bocce ball. In the fall there is a weekend retreat which participants have greatly enjoyed. The group considers service to UU Santa Fe to be an important part of its activities and has, for example, assisted at weddings and memorial services, as well as UU Santa Fe fundraisers. For more information please contact Rod Morgan or the office.
Men's Odyssey Covenant We gather for fellowship, mutual support, moral centering and spiritual growth. We hold meetings, share activities, gather for yearly retreats—and share from the heart. |
Below are initiatives and information regarding our justice activities.
Do you have an issue or concern that you would like to see UU Santa Fe form an advocacy group to address? To form a new group, you will need two co-facilitators and at least four additional team members. Contact Mary Ellen Gonzales to explore your idea. |
Join a JUSTICE TEAM! MEETING TIMESJustice Workgroups | Open to All
Our Justice Workgroups are outward focused in serving the needs of the community of Santa Fe and the wider world. The Justice Council meets the first Thursday of each month from 6-8 pm via Zoom.
Afghan Resettlement: Contact Gale Wasserman Esperanza (Community Partner): Contact Cheryl Ancell.
Learn more about Justice Teams Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public.—Cornel West |
Justice CouncilThe Justice Council is participating in a Border Justice Project with a network of New Mexico faith communities (mostly UUs and Friends) that are providing assistance to asylum-seekers at the southern border. These immigrants have entered the U.S. legally and are in shelters in New Mexico waiting to travel to their sponsors elsewhere in the country. Their final asylum hearings will not occur for months or years from now. They have nothing! The UU Fellowship in Silver City collects supplies and transports them to shelters in Deming and Palomas.
We have all known the long loneliness and we have learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with community.―Dorothy Day, |
There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.―Mohandas Gandhi |
SUPPORTING those in NeedSunday, January 5 | UUSF Ministers Discretionary Fund
The Ministers Discretionary Fund is used by Rev. Gail to serve emergency need of both members and non members who reach out in time of distress–financial, medical, transportation–the needs of emergencies that impact carrying on with life. It is now empty and needs our contributions. Please give generously. Donate to help those who reach out. |
The stories we tell ourselves make us who we are. |
Inter-generational Programming
Below are abbreviated descriptions of our Adult Explorations offerings.
The most important thing is to find out the most important thing.―Suzuki Roshi, Zen Master |
Join a GROUP! MEETING TIMESBelow are abbreviated descriptions of our Adult Explorations offerings. More info, then scroll down the page. Our Groups gather onsite and online via Zoom video conferencing.
Wisdom tells me I am nothing, Love tells me I am everything. Between the two my life flows.―Nisargadatta Maharaj |
Office Hours
UU Santa Fe Board newsMeetings & Important Dates
Busy people have goals; productive people have priorities.―Anonymous |
SUNDAY GATHERINGSSunday Gathering 10:30 am
in-person and livestreamed |