Whether you serve on committees, work on special projects, pull weeds, serve food, show up for yellow T-shirt alerts, participate in small group ministries, teach young people, usher, bring cookies, or simply greet each other with a smile and a friendly word, you nurture and shape our vibrant community. Thank you!
Financial contributions are also an important part of your participation in our community. Your financial gifts sustain our Minister, program, administrative staff and infrastructure (building and grounds) that provide a home in which we can shape our vision and pursue our mission. |
Online giving is a convenient way to donate during the livestream gathering. Pay your pledge, support the Permanent Endowment Fund, the Minister's Emergency Fund or let us choose where your gift is needed most. You can make a one-time gift or a recurring gift.
Thank you for your ongoing support. Here's how
Through your pledge you become an Active Member with all the privileges of membership
Pledge materials for the July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024 Pledge Materials Pledge materials for the July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025 financial year:
Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.―Albert Camus Pledge to Support Our Community
Each Unitarian Universalist community is responsible for funding its own programs and day-to-day operations. While the national Unitarian Universalist Association and regional Pacific Western Region provide essential services and information, they don't provide operating funds to us; in fact, we provide funds each year to them. So, we rely on our members and friends to fund our operating budget by pledging each year, usually in March and April. A pledge is your best estimate of what you will be able to contribute financially to UU Santa Fe during the coming year. Whatever the size of that pledge, you are valued here as a member of our cherished community. Give according to your blessings and circumstances. The 2023-2024 Pledge Campaign officially closed on April 16, 2023, but you may make a pledge for this year any time through June 30. The 2024-2025 pledge goal is $354,000, a significant increase over last year intended to cover inflationary costs and support our staff with a balanced budget. If you haven't pledged before or are new to Santa Fe, please join our supporters. Pledge materials for the current fiscal year (ending June 30, 2024) and the next fiscal year are at left. Please read the pledge materials before completing your pledge form (either the convenient online form or the form to print and mail). 2023-2024 pledge campaign final report Questions: Email [email protected] |
Endow | Once in a Lifetime Planned Giving
Since 1991, the generosity of members and friends has made possible the establishment of the UU Santa Fe Permanent Endowment Fund. This endowment provides revenue to support special needs, capital improvements, community initiatives and social outreach that are not supported by our annual operating funds. UU Santa Fe retains professional fund management through the Unitarian Universalist Common Endowment Fund. The Fund is a diversified investment fund seeking current income and long-term investment returns through portfolio allocation and professional asset management consistent with socially responsible UU investing goals. Legacy giving activities at UU Santa Fe are coordinated by the Permanent Endowment Committee (PEC) in consultation with the Board and the Finance Committee. If you are considering a legacy gift to this special place and would like to talk to community leadership about your gift, please call our business office or fill out our contact form. If you have already decided to do so, it would be helpful to our Permanent Endowment Committee to know of your intentions; please complete this form. See our recent newsletters for more information: July 2022 | September 2023 To Give to the Permanent Endowment Fund Click the DONATE button below
UU Santa Fe Annual $$ Events
Throughout the year we gather to FUNdraise and enrich our community.
Certainly there are things in life that money can’t buy, but it’s very funny – Did you ever try buying them without money?― Ogden Nash |
SUNDAY GATHERINGSSunday Gathering 10:30 am
in-person and livestreamed |