about Unitarian universalismOur History
Originating in Transylvania after the Reformation, important during the forming of our early American democracy, contributor to the Transcendental movement in the 1800s and in the last century to secular Humanism, Unitarian Universalism has a rich history, relevant message and commitment to justice making. Unitarian Universalists | Many Windows, One Light
Deliberately without an official creed or dogma, many Unitarian Universalists make use of our shared values as a substitute for what UUs believe. These values are taken from the bylaws that govern the Unitarian Universalist Association. While these were written to govern congregations, not individuals, many UUs use them as guides for living their lives. Said another way, we don't ask that you believe, we ask you to be a part of. UUs are more concerned with being, becoming and belonging than believing and consider questions more important than answers.
We are a covenantal faith not a dogmatic one. "In Unitarian Universalism, we strive to be to be inclusive and transformative in our covenanting. As we grow our personal understanding, strengthen and deepen our community, and practice spiritual justice-making in our covenantal faith, we must ask, "What do we promise one another?"―UUA
And we hold ourselves lightly...
SUNDAY GATHERINGSSunday Gathering 10:30 am
in-person and livestreamed |